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The Sheikh's Assistant Page 8

  “I don’t know,” she spat out.

  “Kiss you again?”

  “Yes, no. I am just saying be consistent.”

  Sofian took her hand and pulled her closer to him. “Tell me what you want me to do,” he said.

  “I said be consistent. Either stay normal or acknowledge the fact that we kissed,” said Morgan.

  Sofian leaned forward and put his arm around her waist. He pulled her closer to him. He put his head on her belly and just embraced her. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I just want to hold you,” he said to her and held her tightly. Morgan gasped. She placed one hand on his shoulder and rubbed the back of his head with the other hand. “Stay,” he said to her.


  “Stay here.”

  “No, I am going to my own bed.” Morgan tried to get out of Sofian’s embrace, but he picked her up and put her on the bed instead. She screamed loudly and giggled. “Put me down!” she protested.

  “Now you’re in my bed. You might as well stay there.” Sofian grinned at her.

  Morgan growled at him. “And you say I am the weird one.” Morgan lay on the bed and slammed her head into the pillow.

  “You definitely are.” Sofian lay down behind her and just wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “I guess you want to hold me again,” she said sarcastically.

  “Yes. I am being consistent,” he returned the sarcasm. He placed a small kiss on the back of her neck. It felt nice to have her in his arms.

  “Well, don’t get any funny ideas. I am only going to sleep here.”

  “What kind of ideas?”

  “Nothing, goodnight.”

  Sofian smiled and released her from his embrace. She was right. He did not smile or laugh a lot. However he found himself smiling and laughing a lot in her presence. Even though they lay in silence, it was just nice to have her there.

  The next morning, Sofian woke up to find Morgan sleeping on her back facing up. Her limbs were in opposite directions. He smiled to himself. She looked so adorable. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. He had to have fresh breath and look good when she woke up. He could not have her see him looking a mess.

  Sofian walked to the living room and asked the maids to bring breakfast to his bedroom. He returned to the bedroom and climbed back into bed. He just sat there and watched Morgan sleeping. He knew it was creepy but he could not help himself.

  Morgan slowly opened her eyes. She stretched and made that weird noise again; the one she had made the last time she stretched in his presence. “Did you have good dreams?” he asked her.

  “I did not dream of anything,” she replied. She rolled to her side and just looked at him.

  “You were talking in your sleep.”

  Morgan covered her face with her hands. “What did I say?” she asked.

  “My name.”

  Morgan uncovered her face. “No, I did not,” she said passionately.

  Sofian raised his eyebrows. “You did.” He dipped his head and pressed a small kiss against her soft lips. They were so inviting. Of course he accepted the invitation. He caressed her face with the back of his hand and kissed her again. She let out a sigh.

  “Did you wake up early to brush your teeth before I woke up?” Morgan asked him.


  “Your breath is minty.”

  “I brushed.”

  “Were you scared I’d judge your morning breath?” she teased. She laughed a little. She had such a cute laugh and she looked beautiful when she laughed.

  “Why would I?” Sofian had gotten caught. Fortunately there was knock on the door to disturb the current topic. “Come in,” he said. The maids brought in two trays with breakfast for the two of them.

  Chapter 17

  Morgan had breakfast with Sofian in his bed. She felt so relaxed and so happy. She had slept well in his bed once again. She had dreamed of him and she had gotten caught. She had said his name in her sleep and he had heard her. So embarrassing.

  She and Sofian talked as they ate. They had never done that before. Eaten in bed together. And yet it felt so normal. So real and so right. She was in no rush to get out of his bed, especially with it being a Saturday.

  When they were finished eating, the maids came to get the trays. One of them informed the sheikh that there was someone waiting to see him. Sofian was reluctant to leave the bed.

  “Did he give a name?” Sofian asked lazily.

  “He said his name is Badir,” the maid said to him. Sofian sprang out of bed as soon as he heard the name. Morgan wondered what was happening as she watched Sofian rush out of the room. She thought of eavesdropping but his quarters were large. She would not be able to hear. She could not go with him either because she was in her nightie.

  Morgan walked out onto the balcony. The warm sun caressed her face. She smiled as the cool, subtle breeze brushed through her hair. She felt as though she was in some kind of dream. She had never experienced such luxury. She heard Sofian walking back into the room.

  “That was quick,” she said as she walked back into the room. She gasped and quickly turned away from Sofian. He was in nothing but his boxers. “Why are you naked?” she asked.

  “I am getting dressed,” he replied. “Why are you acting all shy? Have you not seen an undressed man before?”

  She hadn’t, well not in real life. She did not make a habit of sleeping in other men’s beds either. And yet she had slept in Sofian’s bed twice.

  “It’s just not appropriate,” she said, deflecting the question.

  “I have an important matter to attend to,” he said to her. Morgan turned to look at him. She was relieved to find him fully clothed.

  “Do you need me to come?” Morgan asked.

  He shook his head. He turned on his heel and rushed out of the room. Morgan was curious as to what was going on. There definitely was something. First it was the text and then him rushing to speak to this Badir person. Since they had come back to Kaslan, Morgan had gone almost everywhere with Sofian, even if it was not necessary. Now he was going without her.

  Morgan headed back to her quarters. As she walked through the hallway and into the living room and until she was out of Sofian’s quarters, the maids stared at her. Some of them whispered among each other. Morgan just shook her head and ignored them.


  Sofian walked back to his quarters feeling dejected. He was coming from a prison. Badir had successfully caught his brother’s killers and anyone associated with them. However it did not comfort him. Samir was still dead. He thought some of his anger and resentment would disappear after he had arrested the Khans but that was not the case.

  He had gone to the prison, and he had faced his brother’s killers. He felt so much anger flow through him. He wanted to rip their heads off with his bare hands. He so badly wanted them to pay for their sin with their lives. However Sofian knew that killing them was not the answer, and it was unlike him. He was not a killer.

  Instead of walking into his quarters, he found himself walking into Morgan’s quarters. She was sitting on the sofa with her phone in her hand. Sofian went to sit down next to her and just wrapped his arms around her.

  “Sofian, what’s going on?” Morgan asked. He just rested his head on her shoulder and held her tightly.

  “I saw my brother’s murderers,” he said to her.


  Sofian released her from his embrace. Morgan turned to face him. “The man who came to see me this morning, Badir, he arrested the men that killed my brother,” he said to her.

  Morgan’s brown eyes widened. “Oh.” She reached out and rubbed his arms.

  “I wanted to kill them.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  “I thought I would have at least have some peace after seeing them behind bars.”

  “That is also understandable.” She stroked his face. “It takes time. Allow yourself to grieve.�
� Morgan pulled him into her arms. She held him so tightly and just rubbed his back. Sofian welcomed her comfort.

  He pulled out of her embrace and kissed her. He took his time, slowly and gently kissing her. He explored her mouth as if it was an undiscovered land. Morgan wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

  “I'm being consistent,” he whispered to her.

  “No, you’re being sarcastic,” she corrected him.

  He smiled and kissed her again. Her lips were so soft. She felt good. He liked how her body felt against his body. Her chest was pressed against his. Her scent filled up the room. She smelled good. He wondered why it took so long to realize just how much he wanted her. Morgan was everything he wanted and needed. She was intelligent, funny, beautiful, and she had a good heart. He loved her thick curly hair. He loved the fact she talked in her sleep. It was so adorable. She was adorable, and feisty and random. He had never met a woman like her. Morgan was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  Chapter 18

  Morgan returned to Kaslan just in time for the king’s birthday celebration. She had gone back to the States for a couple of meetings. Sofian had been too busy preparing to be the crown prince. So he could not go. Morgan had only returned home for four days. In those four days she had gone to meet with Jackie’s Pharmacies. She had also gone to the office to check on the current projects.

  It had felt odd to be back in the States. It was weird not seeing Sofian for four days. It was not normal. Four days had been too long. The only good thing was that she had gotten to see Brooke. She had disliked not being able to see her best friend for so long. It was nice to finally see her again and talk with her.

  As soon as Morgan arrived back in Kaslan, she went to her quarters to get ready for the party. The king had personally invited her and therefore she could not miss it. She got into the shower and quickly bathed. That walk-in shower had been one of the best things about living in the palace. It was much bigger than her own shower in America and it was just nicer.

  When she had finished showering she towel dried herself and applied apricot lotion on her skin. She slipped on an ankle-length royal blue dress with a boat neck and a lace back. She straightened her hair. She styled it into a low bun, and parted her hair at the side. She left her fringe fall to the right side of her face. She applied burgundy lipstick and finally slipped into her black shoes.

  Morgan walked into the palace courtyard where the king’s birthday celebration was being held. As she walked outside, she immediately saw Sofian. He was standing with Zara. He was dressed in a black tuxedo and a black bow tie. His hair was neatly cut in a short back and sides style as always. His rough beard was just a few days old. It added an edge to his look.

  Sofian looked gorgeous. Morgan wanted to run into his arms and just kiss him. She had not seen him for four long days and so badly wanted to embrace him but she knew that she could not do that. She walked over to him and bowed her head when she approached him. For a moment he did not say anything. He just stared at her.

  “You’re back,” Sofian said to her.

  “I am back,” Morgan replied. Sofian did not say anything else. He just stared at her. She too stared at him and said nothing. Just being there close to him made her heart race. She felt her stomach knot up. Zara cleared her throat. Sofian and Morgan turned to look at her.

  “Have the pair of you forgotten that I am here?” Zara said to them.

  “What do you mean by that?” Sofian asked her.

  “The way you are glaring into each other’s eyes. She still has not even greeted me yet.”

  Morgan gasped. She turned sharply and looked at Zara. “I apologize, your highness,” she said and bowed her head.

  Zara dismissed her bow with her hand. “I am just teasing you,” she said with a smile. Zara was a little taller and slimmer than Morgan. She had beautiful almond-colored skin and long jet-black hair. She had a long neck and high cheekbones. She was very beautiful and elegant.

  “Have you been well?” Morgan asked Zara.

  “I have, thank you.”

  There were so many guests at the party. Morgan had never been to an Arabic party or a royal one. In the past month, she had experienced so much Arabic tradition. She was enjoying herself and wanted to experience more.

  The king called for everyone’s attention. “Thank you all for attending my sixty-fifth birthday,” he said. The guests all cheered. Morgan was shocked that he was sixty-five. He looked ten years younger than that. The king then announced his abdication. He officially made everyone aware that he was stepping down from the throne and that Sofian was going to take his place.

  Sofian was to have his coronation in a month’s time. After his coronation, then he would officially be king. Morgan felt a range of mixed emotions. She had been with Sofian through this crash course to be king. He had to learn so much and attend so many meetings. She knew that he was fit for the position. He was going to make a fine king. She was happy for him.

  The sad thing was that she was going to have to pack up and return home. How long was she going to be Sofian’s assistant with kissing benefits? She could not even just date him like normal people date. He was a prince. People talked. It would become public knowledge and then all the criticism would start. But how she was going to live without him? Four days without him had felt like four decades.

  Morgan snapped out of her thoughts when she heard everyone cheering. The women were ululating. She smiled. The atmosphere made her both happy and sad.

  “Let’s go dance,” Zara said to Morgan.

  “What? Oh no. I don’t dance,” she said. Zara smiled and took Morgan’s hand.

  “Everyone dances.”

  Morgan laughed and followed Zara. They went to join the others dancing in the courtyard. Zara showed Morgan how to belly dance. Morgan was not a very good dancer but she tried. Some of the women circled her and started ululating. Morgan wanted to stop dancing but Zara encouraged her to keep dancing.

  At the end of the night, Morgan felt so exhausted and just wanted to sleep. She had enjoyed herself but was happy to retire to her chambers. She kicked her shoes off and threw herself on the sofa.

  “Tired?” Sofian said as he walked into the room.

  “I am,” Morgan replied as she sat up. Sofian knelt in front of Morgan and took her feet into his hands.

  “Of course you are tired. You’ve been very busy tonight.” He started rubbing her feet. Just what Morgan needed. However it surprised her. She had the future king of Kaslan on his knees rubbing her feet.

  “You’re massaging my feet?”

  “I’m massaging your feet.”

  Morgan took a deep breath. “I have to go back home,” she said.

  “Why?” Sofian looked up.

  “I have no place here, Sofian.” She reached out and touched his shoulder. “You will be king soon. I can’t be in your way.”

  “You won’t be in my way. You will be at my side.”

  “My work here is done,” she said, as much as it hurt her to say.

  “I am not asking you to stay as my assistant.” Sofian stopped rubbing her feet. He grabbed her thighs and pulled her closer to him. Morgan gasped.


  “I am asking you to stay by my side, as my wife.”

  Morgan burst into laughter. “What?” Maybe she had not heard him correctly. Sofian reached into his pocket and fished out a black velvet box. “Wait!” Morgan shouted before he opened it.

  “What?” Sofian asked her.

  “Are you sure you want to open that box and ask me that question? Because once you do that, you can’t take it back.”

  Sofian smiled. “I’m sure.” He opened the box and revealed a diamond ring. “I loved you longer than I knew I did. These past four days were so dull without you. I was able to get through Samir’s death because of you and I was able to be the crown prince with your help and advice. I can’t be without you. I don’t want to be without you,” he said.

sp; Morgan moved closer to Sofian and pressed a small kiss against his lips. “I’ll marry you,” she said and kissed him again. No man had ever made her feel the way Sofian had. His presence had affected her from the first moment she had spoken to him. The more time she had spent with him, the more she had grown to love and respect him. Of course she would marry him.

  “You will?” Sofian sounded so shocked. Morgan laughed and nodded. Her eyes welled up. “Good because I’d die if you said no.”

  “I love you too much to say no.” Morgan kissed his cheeks and his lips. Sofian slipped the ring on her finger. He touched her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb. He searched her eyes before he kissed her.